
NCRL Library 2022

The NCRL Library was started through a generous donation by the family of Dora Wellman (1900-1990).  She was a talented lacemaker in the Raleigh area and an active member of the IOLI as well as the NC Lacers group.  New books and other materials have been added over the years.  Books may be borrowed at Lace Days or by mail from our Librarian.

To order a library book, periodical, pattern, video, or DVD:

  1. Direct your order to the Librarian. See list of officers for current name and address.
  2. The person ordering must be a current member of NCRL.
  3. Order items by title and author. (See current library listing in Microsoft Word format or PDF)
  4. There is a limit of three items per request.  If you cannot email the librarian to check availability of the items you want to borrow, we suggest that you indicate an alternate selection.  Request to be wait-listed if the item is checked out and another is not desired.
  5. Starting upon receipt of the item, books, periodicals, and patterns may be borrowed for two months, videos and DVDs for one month.  Items may be renewed if they are not wait-listed.
  6. Email/call the librarian to check the shipping costs for your requested items.  You will be asked to send a check, made out to the librarian, for the actual cost of shipping by priority mail.  In some cases, the cost of insuring out-of-print material may be added.
  7. The NCRL member is responsible for returning all library material in the condition it was received. The borrower will be responsible for the replacement of damaged or lost books, periodicals, DVDs, or videos.

Remember: A book gift to the NCRL Library will be enjoyed by all members for many years to come!

Think about: Sending some of your extra photo prints (labeled, please!) from Lace Day or group activities to our librarian to be included in the NCRL scrapbook.